Monday, 29 October 2007

Pumpkins and Pumping Limbs

This week two of the most iconic New York events are due to take place. On Wednesday the Halloween Parade takes place in Greenwich Village, while Sunday sees the New York Marathon make its way through the five boroughs to the finish line in Central Park.

I won’t be wearing a costume for Halloween this year. Last year I spent a miserable afternoon trawling around the streets of Shrewsbury looking for an outfit before finally deciding to go as Michael J. Fox’s second most iconic role, Teenwolf. The constant barracking of my friends (“Go as Dr. Death”, “Just put an afro wig on mate”) has left me with bitter memories of this most American of holidays. That night was not without its highlights, however, and I did manage to get my plastic claws into a little lamb - a slightly overweight and slutty lamb, but a lamb nevertheless.

On the other hand I am looking forward to watching the marathon. On Sunday I went for my first group run with the New York Flyers Running Club and the marathon should be a source of inspiration for me as I start running again. Tonight I’m joining a six mile route around downtown Manhattan and will hopefully make some new friends by the end of the run – if I can keep up. It's made me think how the marathon of my year in New York has just started and I’m getting ready to tip that first cup of water over my head. Er, I have no idea what that means.


San Sharma said...

Ha ha ha! I'm going to forward this post to aforementioned fat lamb.

Peter said...

Er, probably don't do that.